Photo by Mike Boswell

So often these days our eyes are glued to screens, that we have forgotten the rest of the world around us. The Amber Spirit desire to reawaken a sniff of the amazing natural world around you. Maybe something about how a particular grass sprouts in the spring in the plains of Colorado will be shown to hail from the shores of Spain where your ancestors come from. That you start talking more walks to be in the presence of your ancestors memory and the journey of those wild grass seeds that came with them.

You will discover the wild and domesticated creatures, insects and flowers, to sparkling gemstones that make up the stunning colors of our computer screens. Let us dig deep into those wild places that reside deep within the memory of our bones and reawaken that love for the world that we are a part of instead of a part from.

I will share songs, videos, articles, photos, teachings and more that leans in this direction.